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A lazy Sunday beside the sea

Steve’s been in touch with Ivan, the bike repair specialist in Granada, who says we can bring the bike in on Monday morning, so we decide on a lazy Sunday in La Herradura. The best bar on the beach seems to be El Bambú, where we take a late Sunday lunch and return to watch the sun go down.

There’s a recently reconstructed castle at the end of the town which includes a very interesting museum commemorating the 1562 naval disaster. On 19 October, 1562, 28 galleys of the Spanish fleet, loaded with supplies, soldiers and their families set sail. A strong easterly storm took the fleet by surprise and they took cover in La Herradura Bay. In the morning, the storm returned, now blowing from the south and trapping the galleys which were thrust against the rocks and each other. 25 of the 28 galleys sank and nearly 5,000 died. The castle was built in 1770, part of the coastal fortifications against attacks from corsairs and pirates.
