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More scenic routes south of Granada

We depart La Herradura Wednesday 15 February 1130 and look forward to returning next year. We’re calling on friends from Derbyshire, who now live in Orjiva, and take the scenic route as it’s only about 50 miles. Leaving the main road at Salobreña, we stop to marvel at a huge irrigation aqueduct Cañón del rio Guadalfeo bringing water to the coastal towns. As we wind our way further up the very verdant, steep-sided gorge, it’s clearly popular with both climbers and cyclists. The huge dam at Embalse de Rules, a little further up the river was opened in 2004 but seems to be very much below capacity, as with all the reservoirs we’ve seen. We spend a most enjoyable afternoon/evening with Phil, Michelle and family with Steve managing to squeeze our van through their gate at the end of a somewhat challenging track. 

Rio Guadalfeo
Rio Guadalfeo
Presa de Rules
Presa de Rules
Cañón del rio Guadalfeo

On Thursday morning, we bid our farewells and drive back to Granada to collect Steve’s bike from Ivan. The repair looks good and we’re pleased to have two bikes on the rack again, but all the routes look pretty long and steep round here, so it will be a couple of days before we check them out properly.